Tuesday 1 October 2013


A few days ago, through the course of the day, I had on numerous occasions felt like doing what the cat in this picture had done - lie back and go to sleep. But if I had done that, the day would have gone by and time once gone cannot be recovered. If I had done as I pleased, the sweeping and the cleaning would not have been done; the mails would not have been replied; the meals would not have been cooked; ... and the list goes on.

Life is always a matter of choices. What we choose determines how the day will eventually turn out to be. I can choose to look at the brighter side of things or choose to focus on what didn't go my way. I can choose to focus on a piece of work and get it done no matter how tough it may appear to be or I can choose to procrastinate and end up with too little time to finish the task.

Choosing to please my own whims and fancy may cause me to inconvenience others too. My choices actually affects not only me but those who relate with me whether casually, or closely.

How I end my day, depends on how I make those little choices as they come along.

Sunday 11 August 2013


To the readers - welcome to the musings of our hearts.

To the authors - welcome and enjoy sharing your heart.

The world is a vast stage and we have much to learn from one another and enjoy the process of growing together as we learn from the insights and understanding and wisdom of each other.